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Why You NEED a Logo

Do you have a new business? Etsy shop? TPT store? Online consulting service? Basically any product or service that you are going to need to represent yourself in some way to the outside world?

Then you NEED a logo.

I have been a graphic designer for a couple decades, first at Disney Animation and for the last decade with my own company. I have done thousands of logos and it is always the hardest project to do by far. Why? Because it is the beginning, the birth, the very first impression someone's company is going to make. There is nothing but a blank screen to fill, no font has been chosen, no color palette to build on, nothing.

My clients have often expressed surprise at how difficult they find the logo process. Once they see their company name in a logo format for the first time, especially the first round where there are several different design styles, they are overwhelmed with how to narrow it down, often they like more than one and are torn and struggle to choose a direction. We work together to finesse their brand until its exactly as they want it.

Whether you need a graphic designer, or whether you can do it yourself, just remember you NEED a logo if you want to be successful. Just a graphic designer's opinion.

Everything after that starts to come easily.

Some resources for those starting out and don't have a clue about how to get a logo design started:


Etsy Shop Owner: START HERE

Other Professionals: START HERE

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